Saturday, February 12, 2011

February Consejos

Not that they need any introduction, but Elder Cabranes (secretary) and Elder Quebbman (finance) were introduced to the Zone Leaders as the new office Elders. These fine young men were called back into the office to fill the positions that Elder and Sister Nope left. This is the second time for each of them and so we are eternally grateful for their sacrifice to come in again and serve with us.
Our New Zone Leaders
(left) Elders Abella, Moncur, Roberts, George, Esplin
We look forward to serving with them, and watching them mature in their new positions. This is one position where we see most of their growth and desire to become a great leader. They never disappoint us. This is the training ground for life.
More help out on the streets. Elder Campbell and Elder Leal will become traveling assistants, with their junior companions. They will help us in the training of zones with the new 8 focuses of the church.
WINNERS OF THE MONTHLY ZONE COPA AWARD!!! The Chimbas Zone won the Copa for January. They raced to the finish. Congratulations Chimbas Zone and their Zone Leaders, Elders Gomez and Leal.
Past due awards given out at this Consejos were- August 2010 District Leader award for Elder Benitez. This award is given to the District Leader who has the best numbers on his key indicators.
For December 2010, the Best District Leader Award goes to Elder Esplin
For January 2011, the Best District Leader Award goes to Elder Moncur
For October 2010 the Best District Leader Award goes to Elder Burr

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