Thank you Hermana Petersen and Dr. Petersen for checking each of our missionaires and teaching them the basics of good health for a missionary. We are blessed to have people like you in the church who are willing to leave family and go on three missions together. We are finding like you that the hardest things of life are often the most rewarding. (Standing in from of Valle Grande Dam)

Beautiful, courageous Hermanas who add color to our mission.
Me, Hermanas Villalba, Chamorro, White, Arrieta, Huzzey, Hunt, Eileen Petersen.

San Rafael Zone Conference with the office staff in front.
San Rafael Malargue Zone Leaders- Elder Wells, Jesperson
San Rafael Alvear Zone Leaders- Elders Squires, Clayson
Zone Leader
So how many more to go! I miss you.
Hello - You don't know me, but I know Brother and Sister Peterson. I was one of their missionaries when they served in the Merida, Mexico Mission. If you are still in contact with them tell them hello from Elder Sean Monroe.
email: hillnsean@hotmail.com
Thank you
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